friendlypinay 11 years ago
keep this for u...migo...
missing u much..
with love
:heart: :heart: :heart:
friendlypinay 11 years ago
[size=18][i] Friendship means a loving heart that never hates,
An ever smile that never fades
A caring touch that never shakes
a strong relationship that never Breaks.
pina....................:p :)
friendlypinay 11 years ago
i miss u all the way
im here now
ur chickababes
pina[/b] ..........:heart:
friendlypinay 11 years ago :sun: :sun: :sun:
[size=18][i] every morning start a new page
in your life
but try to make it
great one day
have a beautiful weekend to u
come share with me
this is for us
smile b4 u start eating and say
thanks for being a friend of mind
friendlypinay 11 years ago
[size=18][i] love has no desire
but to fulfill itself
to melt and be like a running brook
that sings its melody to the
to wake at dawn
with a winged heart and
give thanks for another day
of loving
cold day