girlystar 14 years ago grazie a te :) a proposito quando è il tuo compleanno? :)
heyyoume 14 years ago how am I gonna get you a house tea………:mad: :mad: hmmmmm let me think ……….. :mad: :mad: oh right, you can try to plant them,, I can teach you.. until piling up like a house…….:p :hee: But I don't want you to be a farmer…:@ :mad: :p
heyyoume 14 years ago Having blast…… how ? :hee: :o :p show me? haha:hee: :p hmmmm thank you... you are hotter than me:$ like tea parties? it is simple... i am going to get you a house tea:hee: :p
hailstroke 14 years ago Helo my rocky r u had listen song Dear agorny by breaking benjamin..? That very cool about u..!
heyyoume 14 years ago Blast girl?:o What what?? Is it you?:hee: Oh your prince will get jealous If it were you:mad: :mad: :p What type of dancing you like?:P How about crazy dancing at will…:p :p :p Flinging the hair...........:p ooh you can make a tea or coffee and sit down to talk about fashion with me… :$ thanks… yeah.. I have a prince … :heart: :$ by the way, thanks for the points in fashion..... you are pretty nice:sun: :sun:
Fabiettina94 14 years ago Turin .. do you know?
What cities have you visited?...