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ady719 12 years ago
Hy fida. . .

Aziz2163 12 years ago
My freind is all of these! Friendship is to trust Friendship is having the kindness to help Friendship is giving to others without thinking Friendship is being there when someone need you Friendship can be just a smile that brightens your day Friendship is giving more than you expect to receive Friendship is listening Friendship is offering your opinion when you think you need to Friendship can be many things Friendship is different for everyone Friendship could be holding a hand for support Friendship is lending your shoulder to cry on Friendship is mellow Friendship is giving back Friendship is only taking that what you need Friendship can be that voice of reason you give Friendship could also be a boost of encouragement when it’s needed Friendship stands the test of time Friendship is show in many different ways Friendship can be everlasting Friendship is not always an easy thing Friendship is hard to break apart Friendship is strong Friendship should never be taken for granted Friendship is meant to be shared with all Friendship is free and rewarding to share Friendship can be unforgettable Friendship is priceless to many Friendship is a secret never to be told Friendship is not having to say sorry but do Friendship is not judging no matter what Friendship is to share, the joy and the fear Friendship is someone to run too when things are tough Friendship is a hand to hold when things are so rough Friendship is someone to laugh with not at you Freindship is just knowing they are there Freindship is very personal Freindship is all of thes things and many more This is are how I see friendship To have a true Friend is the best thing to achieve We all have one but it may take a very long time to find them. add me in fb. shaikh.aziz97@yahoo.in

Fida7064 12 years ago
dua kata yang selalu aku ingat darimu 'jangan nangis'

Bhe570 12 years ago

Darmawan76 12 years ago
so sweet..

adinluvi03 12 years ago

vishwes 12 years ago
replay friend my name vishwes

vishwes66 12 years ago
you are my friend accept/ or / no

vishwes66 12 years ago
i am new friend my name vishwes

Bhe570 12 years ago
Mkch ea dh mw jd tmend. Aku 0rang bru dsni jd lm ngrty

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