ashlee2522 11 years ago Look not for beauty nor for the color of skin,
but look for a heart that is loyal within,
for beauty fades and skin will grow old,
but a heart that is loyal will never turn cold:heart::heart::heart:
ashlee2522 11 years ago I hve heard from the phone company,water company,the electric company but haven't heard from you!Too bad it's your company I Love the MOST;):thumb:
ashlee2522 11 years ago I value the friend who for me finds on his calendar,but i cherish the friend who for me does not consult his calendar;)
gae732 11 years ago GOD'S MEMO: Do not be afraid.I am with you! I am your God-let nothing terrify you! I will make you strong and help you. (Isaiah 41:10GNT)
gudmorning...Hello May na...GODBLESS
:sun: :waveyellow: :sun:
ashlee2522 11 years ago I never thought i'd miss love this way until I woke up with a broken heart:heart: today singing,
"Can I get your love back again coz I'm going crazy being your friend!"