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Sakura303 12 years ago
[size=24]good morning!!![/size] i miss you :heart: :heart: :heart:

MaoJonas 12 years ago
[b][I] [img]http://friends18.com/img/divider/0007.gif[/img] [img]http://s5.favim.com/orig/69/mcdonalds-delicious-eat-fast-food-restaurant-Favim.com-619957.jpg[/img] [img]http://s6.favim.com/orig/68/cheese-food-hungry-photography-Favim.com-613932.jpg[/img] •• [img]s5.favim.com/orig/69/meus-mcdonalds-yum-delicious-Favim.com-619226.jpg[/img] [img]http://s5.favim.com/orig/69/cupcake-food-pink-cupcake-werid-Favim.com-616160.jpg[/img] •• [img]http://s5.favim.com/orig/69/2-broke-girls-adorable-amazing-awesome-Favim.com-617468.jpg[/img] eNjØy :p [img]http://friends18.com/img/divider/0103.gif[/img] ║••._.•мασ•._.••║ [img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/552/552256phhdaf6rnm.gif[/img] [img]http://friends18.com/img/divider/0022.gif[/img]

sheraz81 12 years ago
hello shazade

MaoJonas 12 years ago
[b][i] [img]http://friends18.com/img/divider/0129.gif[/img] I don’t understand banks.:p Why do they attach chains to their pens?:o :P If I am trusting you with my money, you should trust me with your pens!! :L :rofl: :p :p •• [img]http://www.mywoc.ca/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/2009_Girls_Camp_Waterfron_Sunset.jpg[/img] gOOd eVeNinG****** •• [img]http://friends18.com/img/divider/0103.gif[/img] ║••._.•[color=#f0a2eb]м[/color][color=#08e2f0]α[/color][color=#705b31]σ[/color]•._.••║ [img]http://dl6.glitter-graphics.net/pub/552/552256phhdaf6rnm.gif[/img] [img]http://friends18.com/img/divider/0022.gif[/img]

MaoJonas 12 years ago
"♥ All God does is watch us and kill us [color=#705b31] when we get boring.[color=#705b31] We must never, ever be boring. ♥ Angel PicturesScraps & Graphics "Life is for the living. [color=#705b31]Death is for the dead. Let life be like music. [color=#705b31] And death a note unsaid." ♥ [color=#705b31]GuD MoRnInG ♥ Angel PicturesScraps & Graphics [color=#f0a2eb] [b] [size=9] MÆØ [/size] [/b] [/color] glitter-graphics.com MaoJonas 12 years ago
[b] [size=9] [color=#555555]A girl updated her status on facebook -> '' :( '' __First boy commented: what happen babes, i am there for you. * she blocked him. Second boy commeted: aww my baby, i love you please don't cry. * she blocked him too. Third boy commented : Lol you always weep on facebook :P. * she blocked him too. . . . . 4th boy commented : what happend dear? can i help you? She commented back: Yes bro i will tell you in inbox. . _ _ _ _ & This time, the boy blocked her. :p that Boy rocxxx....Girl shocxxxx :p[/color] [color=#2746ff]gOOd nYt [/color] sLeeP wEll..... [size=14] [color=#00aa00]►MαØ◄[/color] [/b] [/size]

Ace0426 12 years ago
123Friendster.com - More Miscellaneous Comments

maharanidt 12 years ago

zizo202 12 years ago
[size=24]good evening my friend[/size] :heart: :heart: :shy:

Ace0426 12 years ago
[b][size=24]Hello dEar, tHouGh miLeS mAy liE bEtwEen uS, We aRe nEveR tRulLy apArt..f0r friEndShip iS nEveR c0uNt by miLes. We mAy be vEry buSy but if evEr theRe c0meS a dAy we'rE n0t t0gEthEr, kEep me in y0ur hEaRt i'Ll alWayS bE tHere.. TaKe caRe dEar y0u aRe pReci0us..:heart: aCe[/size][/b]

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