evawawa18 10 years ago Nice to hear that:shy2:umm actually i'm not checking it i talk with my gb:L:p
Wow that's great,have you met someone with blue eyes there?:money::p:p
evawawa18 10 years ago Doing good:heart:what about you?yeah you're right so boring here:p
Miss you more:shy2::P
tarekttoty 10 years ago
Flower Pictures
Flower Images
Flower Photos
Flower Photos
Flower Images
Aticos 10 years ago ...Life is not somewhere waiting for you, it is happening in you. Not in the future as a goal to be achieved, here and now, right now on your breathing, circulating in your blood pounding in his heart...
faizan6749 10 years ago all day u will b lay on bed just like lazy grl :p
faizan6749 10 years ago i m toooooo good wts going on:$
TheLastBoyOnEARTH 10 years ago :hee: 10 impossible thingsss.
1. you can't say the letter m
without touching your lips
2 lick your elbow.
3. sneeze with your eyes
4. tickle yourself.
5. put your fist in your
6. to just eat one potato chip.
7. to look at your crush's
facebook just once.
8. its impossible to never be
9. its impossible to think justin
beiber is ugly.
10. its impossible to
completely trust someoneee. :P