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Arka91 13 years ago
See more funny images here!See more funny images here!See more funny images here!.....[b] Keep Smiling...:) :D :smile: :hee: :p....coz It is good for => :heart:

daqx 13 years ago
[i][b] [size=14] Let's get six words clearly fixed in our mind. WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING PRAY ABOUT EVERYTHING.. What qualifies our worry? Anything that drains our tank of joy-something we cannot change, something we are not responsible for, something we are unable to control, something that frightens us, keeps us awake when we should be asleep.. All of that now needs to be switched from our worry list to our prayer list..Give each worry-one by one-to God..Tell him we will no longer keep anxiety to ourselves..Let God handle it.. Just a thought...[/size] [/b] [/i] Have a worry free day!:smile: :heart: :heart: :heart: [color=#aa00aa]-nodz-[/color]

argelix 13 years ago
See more love images here!

rohitas 13 years ago

SpidermanRETURNS 13 years ago
i'm fine 2. Wat yo doin? :smile:

SpidermanRETURNS 13 years ago
hello hows yo? :smile:

370634 13 years ago
123Friendster.com - More Good Night Comments:shy2: :shy2: :heart:

Ritz4FrienDs 13 years ago
Hai Moon! Dim ur Light.. Hello Wind ! Breeze soft. Hai flower! Blossom Slowly. Hello Earth! spin gently. Becoze My Dear frndz is going 2 sleep!. Good Night:shy2:

daqx 13 years ago
yootttt big gyud imung gi post :smile: :smile: :smile: yot affected gihapon ko na wala na gyud si old, no word , even -"tnx" heavy gyud inside :( :,(

daqx 13 years ago
[b][i][size=14] Be thankful that we don't already have everything we desire. If we did, what would there be to look forward to? Be thankful when we don't know something for it gives us the opportunity to learn. Be thankful for the difficult times, during those times we grow Let us be thankful for our limitations, because they give us opportunities for improvement Let us be thankful for our mistakes, they will teach us valuable lesson Be thankful when we are tired and weary , because it means we have made the difference. Its easy to be thankful for the good things. A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who are also thankful for the setbacks. Let us find ways to be thankful for our troubles, and then can become our blessings..[/size] [/i] [/b] :heart: :heart: :heart: [b][color=#aa00aa]God bless:shy2: -nodz-[/color] [/b]

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