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nir794 9 years ago
♡:rofl::hee::heart::hee: :rofl:♡
1st message- lets break up now, its all over..:hmm:
2nd msg.-sorry, sorry!! That was not 4 u...:mad::(
Height of coolness:
Two friends finishing the paper,
coming out of the exam hall,
having a cool drinks and talking.
1st: dude which paper was it?
2nd: may be maths.
1st: that means you did the paper?
2nd: no man the girl next to me was using calculator.:$
Boy 2 God:
Give me a pocket full of money,
A job & a big vehicle full of girls.
God replied:your wish is fullfilled
He became a bus conductor of girls collage.:p:rofl:
Boy: I like that girl.
His friend: she has a boy friend.
Boy: look. A goal post always has a goalkeeper,
but that doesn't mean you can't score goals.:p
A Boy Went 2 Doctor Wid Infection on His face.
After Checking,
Doctor Said: "Ask ur GF 2 change her lipstick Brand,
u r Allergetic to lakme"..Lp:hee:
Face /your/on/smile/ little/a/get/to/ trick /
my/only/was/ this/but/me/ with/angry/get/
will/you/message/ this/reading/ After/weekend/a nice /have
(Now Read in reverse)....
♡:rofl::hee::heart::hee: :rofl:♡
nir794 9 years ago
'sOmEtImEs yOu lAuGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,
sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn,,
It iS A SeAsOn tHaT CoMeS AnD GoEs,,
sOmEtImEs yOu LauGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,
ThErE Is sOmE OpPrEsSiOn oF LiViNg,,
tHeRe aRe sOmE TrAdItIoNs oF ThIs wOrLd,,
ThErE ArE SoMe dAyS Of LOsInG AnD GaInInG,,
tHeRe aRe sOmE PrOmIsEs, ThErE ArE SoMe vOwS,,
tHeRe iS SoMe rEstLesSnEsS At eVeRy mOmEnT,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,
sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn,,
iT Is a sEaSoN ThAt cOmEs aNd gOeS,,
sOmEoNe iS SLeePiNg uNdEr a sCaRf,,
SoMeOnE Is tHiRsTiNg tO SeCuRe tHeIr hEaRt,,
SoMeWhErE ThE ShInE Of dIsApPoInTmEnT HaS BlOoMeD,,
sOmEwHeRe LovE AnD LoVe aLoNe iS RaInInG,,
sOmEtImEs tHeRe iS PaIn, SoMeTiMeS ThErE Is a cUrE,,
LifE Is sOmEtImEs yOu lAuGh, SoMeTiMeS YoU CrY,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,
mEmOrIeS Of mOmEnTs gOnE AwAy,,
ToRtUrE Me aLL tHe tImE,,
BeCoMiNg a sHaDoW, tHeY CoMe,, BeCoMiNg a sHaDoW, tHeY Go,,
tHeRe iS A WoRlD Of LonELinEsS,,
LifE Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn,,
sOmEtImEs iT Is aUtUmN, sOmEtImEs tHe rAiN SeAsOn..
iT Is a sEaSoN ThAt cOmEs aNd gOeS,,
SoMeTiMeS YoU LaUgH, sOmEtImEs yOu cRy,,
LiFf Is tHe uNiOn oF HaPpInEsS AnD PaIn..!'
:thumb:WiShInG Ur CoLouRfuL LiFe:smile: