suhaan153 13 years ago [b]Boy to G¡rl: I can make u say I Love You. ♥ G¡rl: No wayyy! Boy: Bet?¿? G¡rl: Yes. Boy: Ok start... say Blue? G¡rl: Blue. Boy: Say P¡nk? G¡rl: P¡nk. Boy: Say Love? ♥ G¡rl: Love. Boy: Whats 1+1? G¡rl: 2. Boy: Whats ur age? G¡rl: 18. Boy: Hahaha. . . I told u ¡ cud make u say 18!!! G¡rl: No u said u cud make me say I Love You. ♥ Boy: Yes I did it...[/b] :p :p :p
suhaan153 13 years ago [b]A g¡rl asked her Boyfr¡end... GF: Why do you love me? BF: I've no reason. GF d¡dn't l¡ke ¡t 'n say No. G¡ve me a reason. BF: Oh Okay... b'coz you're beaut¡ful, car¡ng and attract¡ve. G¡rl was sat¡sf¡ed. Then one day she got s¡ck and look Terr¡bly Th¡n, Pale and Weak. GF: Do you st¡ll love me? BF: Now that you're not pretty and attract¡ve, do I've a reason to love you? G¡rl cr¡ed... The boy hold her hand 'n say... BF: Now you understand? "Love doesn't need reason. I Love You and I'll always love you no matter what happens." [color=#c20000] . :heart: . :heart:. :heart: . [/color] [/b]