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Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][b][i][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-9-2011-plw32zp8.jpg[/img] GoD Bless :heart:[/i][/b][/size]

Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][b][i][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-izmrxc96.jpg[/img] [color=#0000aa]I Treasure sweet old Memories As the time Goes swiftly By A few Bring smiles of Happiness And some Tears to The Eye[/color] [img]http://i28.tinypic.com/eagrbb.jpg[/img] [color=#00aa00]They all are precious in Their way Reopening the door of old That Have Been shut these Many years what pictures they unfold[/color] [img]http://i28.tinypic.com/eagrbb.jpg[/img] [color=#c20000]These dear old sweet old Memories All play Their special part In Bringing joy and opening up The latch strings of The Heart[/color] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-pc0kcqu7.gif[/img] [color=#0000aa]:heart: ★ ★★ :heart:★[/color]R@J[color=#ffc602]★:heart: ★★ ★ :heart:[/color][/i][/b][/size]

Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][b][i][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-muzfgqun.jpg[/img] [color=#0000aa]One day you will see that it all Has Finally come together[/color] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif[/img] [color=#00aa00]what you Have always wished for Has finally come to be[/color] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif[/img] [color=#0000aa]You will look Back And laugh at what has passed[/color] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif[/img] [color=#00aa00]And you will ask yourself[/color] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif[/img] [color=#0000aa]"How did I get through all of that?"[/color] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif[/img] [color=#00aa00]Just never let go of hope Just never quit dreaming[/color] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-73svar34.gif[/img] [color=#0000aa]And never let love depart from your life[/color] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-84nux4ds.gif[/img][color=#c20000]GoD Bless[/color][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-84nux4ds.gif[/img] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-7-2011-oj5ewj4t.gif[/img] :heart: :heart::heart: :heart::heart::heart::heart: :heart::heart: :heart:[/i][/b][/size]

Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][b][i][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-rbssxfsm.jpg[/img] [color=#c20000]When u share urself with others[/color] Life begins to find its meaning [color=#c20000]The Time u touch the Hearts of others[/color] is the moment u truly start living [color=#c20000]May you've a sweet Life to Live[/color] with Love [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-yyorgued.gif[/img][/i][/b][/size] :heart: :heart: :heart: :) :heart: :heart: :heart:

Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][b][i][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-z7h81uvw.jpg[/img] The Amount of Happiness that you have [color=#c20000]Depends on the Amount of Freedom you have[/color] [color=#ffc602]in your Heart[/color] [color=#0000aa]Be True to your Heart[/color] :heart: :heart:[color=#00aa00]AnD[/color]:heart: :heart: [color=#aa00aa]your dreams will come True[/color] [color=#f0a2eb]May Happiness Fill your Heart each day[/color] [color=#00aaaa]your whole Life through[/color] with Bunch of Love & wishes [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-mmfuncsz.gif[/img][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-yyorgued.gif[/img][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-mmfuncsz.gif[/img][/i][/b][/size]

Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][b][i] :heart: :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-l2t8edyl.gif[/img]:heart: :heart: :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-ude90a51.gif[/img]:heart: :heart: :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-fsk0a8qx.gif[/img]:heart: :heart: :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-h3ww4coo.gif[/img]:heart: :heart: [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-kbse2bjw.jpg[/img] :heart: :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-dhwsuuep.gif[/img]:heart: :heart: :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-9tyi43ii.gif[/img]:heart: :heart: :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-v3s60j4r.gif[/img]:heart: :heart: :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-lznpccdq.gif[/img]:heart: :heart: May your Life in this world Be a Happy one :heart: [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-6faob3i7.gif[/img] :heart:[/i][/b][/size]

Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][b][i][color=#0000aa]Don't store your dreams in your Eyes[/color] [color=#00aa00]They May roll down with tears[/color] [color=#c20000]store them in your Heart[/color] [img]http://files.mothhelah.com/img/SXl31583.jpg[/img] [color=#cccc00]Each Heartbeat will inspire you to fulfill them[/color] Today's dreams are tomorrow's successes [color=#aa00aa]Be smiling[/color] with all My Love n Best wishes :heart:[img]http://up.3ros.net/get-6-2011-km0j2n3s.gif[/img]:heart:[/i][/b][/size]

Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][b][i][color=#c20000]May you always have an angel by your side Watching out for you in all the things you do Reminding you to keep believing in brighter days [/color] .¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸.♥.¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸. [color=#00aa00]Finding ways for your wishes and dreams to come true Giving you hope that is as certain as the sun Giving you the strength of serenity as your guide [/color] .¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸.♥.¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸. [color=#c20000]May you always have love and comfort and courage And may you always have an angel by your side [/color] .¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸.♥.¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸. [color=#00aa00]Someone there to catch you if you fall Encouraging your dreams Inspiring your happiness[/color] .¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸.♥.¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸. [img]http://files.mothhelah.com/img/9sY40536.jpg[/img] .¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸.♥.¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸. [color=#c20000]Holding your hand and helping you through it all In all of our days[/color] .¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸.♥.¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸. [color=#00aa00]someone wonderful to love and a dear friend in whom you can confide[/color] .¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸.♥.¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸. [color=#c20000]May you have rainbows after every storm May you have hopes to keep you warm[/color] .¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸.♥.¸¸.~•♥•~.¸¸. [color=#00aa00]And may you always have an angel by your side[/color] :heart:with Love and prayers:heart: [img]http://files.mothhelah.com/img/xx440536.gif[/img][/i][/b][/size]

Riyaz01 13 years ago
,[size=24][b][i][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-ppidpxek.jpg[/img] ♥ ♥:heart:♥ ♥ [color=#c20000]some people are so important in our Life[/color] ♥ ♥:heart:♥ ♥ [color=#00aa00]Not Because we Enjoy there company[/color] ♥ ♥:heart:♥ ♥ [color=#0000aa]But Because we Feel so much Lonely in their's Absence[/color] ♥ ♥:heart:♥ ♥ May the hand of a True Friend Always Be near you ♥ ♥:heart:♥ ♥ [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-88o59b58.gif[/img] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-j0e1vp5z.gif[/img] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-j0e1vp5z.gif[/img][color=#ffc602]Raj[/color][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-j0e1vp5z.gif[/img] [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-j0e1vp5z.gif[/img][/i][/b][/size],

Riyaz01 13 years ago
[size=24][i][b][img]http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-mbyboclb.jpg[/img] To Forgive is the highest, Most Beautiful form of Love In return you'll receive untold peace and Happiness :heart: :heart::heart: :heart: May your world be A Beautiful place covered with Happiness [img]http://up.3ros.net/get-5-2011-7q1xdxbt.gif[/img] [/b][/i][/size] :heart: :heart::heart: :heart:

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