TAMANA007 13 years ago LISTEN and SILENT are two different words with same alphabets but they r very important in true relation bcoz only true people Listen U when U r Silent:)
TAMANA007 13 years ago Tanx 4 sweet msg as u:shy2: ..A cute & true line for all my well wishers. "Never choose Me without undrstanding,&,Never loose Me in some Mis-undrstanding..~ gud evening ~_^
TAMANA007 13 years ago TWO WAYS TO BE HAPPY IN LIFE:- -Never take help of tears to show your emotions & -Never take help of words to show your anger:) u r so cute:shy2:
TAMANA007 13 years ago Some people are so much Important in our Life, Not b'coz we enjoy their Company, But, B'c z we feel sooo much Loneliness in their Absence . And u r one of those sweet people.. Gud evening hv shweet day:shy2:
rimzkamboj 13 years ago Apna status chnge kr plz :(
TAMANA007 13 years ago Hitler Said; Funny but true fact of life: Boys and girls get into LOVE bcoz of Misunderstanding! And break up when they understand each other.:p:p gud mrning hv wndrful day:shy2:
TAMANA007 13 years ago Man to a lady in the market:I lost my wife here.Can u talk to me for a while?Girl:Why? Man:Because whenever I talk to a lady,my wife appear from NOWHERE! Gud evening dear:shy2:
TAMANA007 13 years ago Stroñg friendship döès nöt nèèd añy prömìsè, Añy tèrms, Añy cöñdìtìöñ. It jüst nèèd twö wöñdèrfül pèöplè, Oñè cööl lìkè me & öñè swèèt lìkè yoù (GOOD EVENING):shy2:
rimzkamboj 13 years ago http://img1.imagehousing.com/92/e4728a258d192b2a1d0770a7b87e788f.jpg
rimzkamboj 13 years ago hello saman hw r u?.....kida chaldi hai job teri?...bye tc...:)