maruf794 13 years ago FrIeNd iS A FoUnDaTiOn oF LoVe...:) LoVe iS A OrGaNiZaTiOn oF LiFe....:) LifE Is dIsTrIbUtIoN Of fEeLiNg...:) FeeLiNgS R ThE CoNsTrUcTiOn oF 'FRiEnDsHiP' :heart: [img][/img]:)[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:heart:
maruf794 13 years ago 'aLwAyS BeLiEvE ThE SuPrEmAcY wItHiN YoU:) sTaRt wAlKiNg tOwArDs yOuR TaRgEt:) PrAyErS WiLl dEfEnD YoU AnD ShOw yOu tHe rIgHt PaTh:) Be cOnStRuCtIvE AnD Do nOt gIvE AtTeNtIoN tO DiSaPpOiNtMeNtS:) jUsT BeLiEvE In yOu... bE CoNfidEnT aNd bRaVe...:thumb: ':shy2::shy::shy2: gUt MoRniNG...:sun::heart::smile::sun::heart:oh dear where you gone:,( happy to see you:smile:
333968 13 years ago [img][/img]
333968 13 years ago [img][/img]
[size=18][b]All The BEST of LUCK ... :shy2:
333968 13 years ago [img][/img]
[size=18][b]May your Blessing out number your troubles
and Happiness surround you
All you day
:shy2: :heart: :shy2:
maruf794 13 years ago 'yOuR LiViNg iS DeTeRmInEd nOt sO MuCh bY WhAt lIfE BrInGs tO YoU As bY ThE AtTiTuDe yOu bRiNg tO LiFe; NoT So mUcH By wHaT HaPpEnS To yOu aS By tHe wAy yOuR MiNd lOoKs aT WhAt hApPeNs...' - wOnDeRFuL MoRnInG YoU To mY DeAr..[img][/img]:sun:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:smile:[img][/img]:heart:[img][/img]:thumb:
maruf794 13 years ago SoMe OnE SaY ThAt lOvE Is nOnSeNs,,, i tElL YoU... 'It iS No sUcH ThInG. fOr wEeKs aNd mOnThS It iS A StEaDy pHySiCaL aNd mEnTaL PaIn, An aChE AbOuT ThE HeArT, nEvEr lEaViNg oNe, By nIgHt oR By dAy; A LoNg sTrAiN On oNes nErVeS LiKe tOoThAcHe oR RhEuMaTiSm, NoT InToLeRaBlE At aNy oNe iNsTaNt, BuT ExHaUsTiNg bY ItS StEaDy dRaIn oN ThE StReNgTh...' gOoD MoRnInNg dEaR...:sun:[img][/img]:)[img][/img]:note:[img][/img]:thumb:[img][/img]:heart:
333968 13 years ago [img][/img]
[size=24][b]..... Jeep .....
:shy2: :heart: :shy2: