daqx 13 years ago [i] [b][size=14]
Unconditional Love
A treasure to be cherished,
A gift from God above;
Is the beauty of every friendship,
A love that asks no questions,
Believes in all the best;
Never doubting, ever trusting,
Withstanding any test.
A love that weathers any storm,
And yet that love still stands;
Through the very darkest hour,
It still reaches out a hand.
There in that hand the sweetest gift,
That we can give..
A heart that cares, a love that shares,
That will be there till the end.
A treasure to be cherished...[/size][/b][/i]
[color=#c20000][size=12]This may take time to have and be really given..
Yet never stop trying...[/size]
God bless :)
DEVENDER09 13 years ago The Loveliest message!!
'A person who can explain the
meaning of Colour to a BLIND...That
Person can explain anything in LIFE'...good morning:sun: have a great monday:hee::hee:
maruf794 13 years ago 'SomE PeoplE NeveR SeE ThE DreaM (They are Wanderers) SomE PeoplE SeE it BuT NeveR FolloW it on TheiR OwN (they are followers) SomE PeoplE SeE ThE DreaM AnD FolloW iT (they are achievers) SomE PeoplE SeE ThE DreaM AnD FolloW it AnD HelP OtherS to SeE iT(they are leaders) THATS CALLED DREAMS:thumb: YoU R the DreameR AND LeadeR...i'm HappY to HavE u as a FrienD:smile: [img]http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/8445/84451.jpg[/img]:heart:[img]http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9423/9423.gif[/img]:smile:[img]http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/9399/9399.gif[/img]:smile: gut morning :sun::heart:
Gademo9 13 years ago Hey ashwin mere bhai ko naam se pukar uska naam jin hai smjha:hmm:
maruf794 13 years ago You are my life:) You are my sun:o You are my light:sun: That's shines me bright:love: i want alway's hold you tight:P don go away ever to my sight :shy: have a perfect lovely day:thumb: only with me:p coz YOU are the last thing on my mind:heart: [img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc/11/28591/28591.jpg[/img]:heart:[img]http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/thinking-of-you/thinking-of-you23.gif[/img]:heart:[img]http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/hugs/hugs105.gif[/img]:heart:[img]http://www.scrapsyard.com/graphics/rose/rose06.jpg[/img]:love:[img]http://www.scrapsyard.com/sy/01/7163/71631.jpg[/img]:heart: thanx to remember me ashwin:love:
ily188121 13 years ago
:heart::heart::heart: have nice day:heart::heart::heart:
:heart::heart::heart: my friend:heart::heart: :heart:
:heart: [/size]
[size=24]:heart: :heart: :heart: ily:heart: :heart: :heart: [/size]
VIPruler 13 years ago Oh thats smile:p:p okay bro...:thumb: anyway i lyk ur smile coz ma favourit color iz yelloo....:hee: :hee:
VIPruler 13 years ago [b]Smílé ís á lánguágé øf Løvé:heart:. Smílé ís á wáy tø gét succéss:thumb:, Smílé ís tø win thé héárts:love:. Smílé ímprøvés ur pérsønálíty:p.Sø, kéép smíling :) £yk me :hee: [/b]