MizZvALeNtInE 11 years ago [b][color=#000000][size=24][img]http://cdn.biharprabha.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/smiling_girl.jpg?ba4058[/img][img]http://daughterbydesign.files.wordpress.com/2012/02/smiling-girl.jpg[/img][img]http://eocastle.birdsallinteractive.com/images/cute-girls-smiles-873.jpg[/img]
There is Always a Reason for Everything
A Reason to Live
A Reason to Die
A Reason to Cry
If you cant Find a Reason to Smile.
Then Can I be the Reason for a While?
ρπΐηςξχχ βξξ
prem765 11 years ago [size=24]:heart: Frndship is not just a word! :heart:
:heart: Nt only a relationship :heart:
:heart: Its A silent promise which says :heart:
:heart: I WILL B WITH U :heart:
:heart: Whatever :heart:
:heart: Whenever :heart:
:heart: Wherever :heart:
:heart: 4ever..:heart:
iambest 11 years ago [b]close enough:rofl:[/b]
HOSH66 11 years ago Photo SharingGoogle Chrome Homepage BackgroundsOnline Games
Skinnygarfield 11 years ago [b][size=24]
ahlamy55 11 years ago
[b][i][size=18]GOOD EVENING[/size][/i][/b]
[size=18]اروع حكمه تتخذها في حياتك ....
ان لاتهتم بما يقال عنك!!
فأنت تعرف من انت والله أعلم بحالك وبنيتك
ولا تقلل من قيمتك بتبرير افعالك فسر الفشل في الحياه هو محاولة ارضاء الجميع
ارضي ربك ثم ضميرك[/size][/size]