xmohitx 12 years ago awak join me :$ awak r my swr frnd na... :shy2: so after some tym u gonna mad.:rofl: becoz of mixing of 3 lang.:p hindi eng n malaysian.:hee:
xmohitx 12 years ago terima kasih is so simple for me :p becoz its have meaning in hindi.:p
just suppose saya use in india terima kasih. n he slap me.:rofl: becoz of hindi meaning.:rofl:
xmohitx 12 years ago after some tym awak gonna sibuk.:spin: awak have no tym for me becoz awak have so many frndssss...:spin: den saya perlu awak for dis difficul lang but awak gonna sibuk.:mad:
xmohitx 12 years ago apa is d meaning of terima kasi h? :o
u know its a hindi word.
teri ma kasi h = hows your mother...
but why awak use dis word... i dun know :mad:
xmohitx 12 years ago by d way any1 who join my frndlist... after some tym he gonna mad.:hee: so den awak perlu to use thumb.:thumb:
xmohitx 12 years ago sweetheart :shy: :p saya have patience :$ so saya perlu some tym for dis.:$ we talk daily den i know dis lang.:hee:
n saya never use thumb icon. :$
xmohitx 12 years ago where apa awak? :o saya here... awak where.:p
xmohitx 12 years ago saya perlu some tym to know dis lang. :$ really cool lang but difficult :mad: