Masoodali54 11 years ago A xn mko sakht koshish kosaan,kura kia shikar arua no tan.
foxtrotgulf 11 years ago So often,in our quest to b more popular nd to b part of the "in group" we lose site of things that r far more important....
foxtrotgulf 11 years ago The real tragedy is tragedy of the man who never braces him/herself for his/her one supreme effort,he/she never stretches to his/ful capacity,never stands up to his full stature......
foxtrotgulf 11 years ago People laugh 8 me bcoz i m dfrnt,nd i laugh at them bcoz they al r same.... ;-)
Masoodali54 11 years ago ma hardi hash gaderi ki mo biabano afas boi.!!!!!!!!