Akash175457 11 years ago Don't make your feelings like the garden,
Everybody walk on it.
But let it be like the sky, Everybody wishes to touch it.....!
:sun: :sun: :sun:
Smile increases value of face,
Anger spoils beauty of soul,
Faith is force of life, Confidence is companion of success,
So keep smiling.
:sun: :sun: :sun:
:sun: ohaiyo gozaimasu :sun:
:note: have a refreshing day :note:
Akash175457 11 years ago Konbanwa.
"Hai, watashiwa nihongono gakusei desu" (yes, i am a student of japanese language) I dont know if the sentence i have written above in japanese is right or wrong :P but i am just trying.
So please dont misunderstand or get angry if i make any mistake while talking in nihongo :P
I am just glad to have a nihonjin as my friend :smile:
Will it do if i ask you something about nihon or nihongo? :P
Actually i am coming to Japan after 2 years from now. So, I am learning nihongo. :)
By the way, thanks a lot for being my friend. :) :)
Oyasuminasai :smile: :smile:
Akash175457 11 years ago Value of relation
is not that how much you feel happy with some one..
But it is that
how much some one feels ALONE without you!
:sun: :sun: :sun:
Happiness is not something u postpone for the future.
Its something u design for the present.
Make each moment a happy one.
I just did it by remembering U!
:sun: :sun: :sun:
If u wait for happy moments,
u will wait forever.
But if u start believing that u r happy,
u will b happy forever.
Thats life.
:sun: konnichiwa :sun:
:sun: have a nice day
take care :sun:
Akash175457 11 years ago Wow! That's Great!
I am Indian and am intrested in making foreign friends. I am a student of japanese language. :D
I am so glad to have a Japanese friend :smile: so i hope that i will be able to learn some japanese language from you :P
Arigato Gozaimasu :)
Akash175457 11 years ago I am also fine :)
Are you a Japanese citizen? :D
Akash175457 11 years ago Arigato gozaimasu :)
How are you my friend? :shy2:
Miyuri97 11 years ago Morning Yui-chan kawaii :sun: :smile:
Have a Lovely Day :shy2: :heart:
Miyuri97 11 years ago Evening Princess Yui.. :)
Have a Lovely Evening :heart:
thankyou !!
U know ?
I'm in :love: with someone beside me... That's why I make that as my background in my page..
Miyuri97 11 years ago Have a Lovely day too for U :heart:
Keep smile always.. :smile:
Miyuri97 11 years ago I've been comeback now :shy2:
Thankyou to wait for me :heart:
:shy2: Bee~Bee :shy2: