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Skinnygarfield 7 years ago
:heart: :note: :heart:

gift0101 10 years ago
[i] :heart: Thank you for being a friend...:heart:

gift0101 11 years ago
[i][b] Take care...:heart:

Sooyoung19 11 years ago
-=- -=- -=- -=- -=- * DREAM - More. -=- -=- * THINK - High. -=- * CHOOSE - Best. -=- -=- * ANALYZE - Twice. -=- * PLAN - Perfect. -=- -=- * BE - Confident. -=- * WORK - Hard. -=- -=- * EXECUTE - Well. -=- Then. -=- -=- SUCCESS - Is YOURS.. -=- -=- -=- -=- -=- *

ElizaZarkau 11 years ago
:heart: Whether and you know that every night someone thinks of you before falling asleep. For someone you mean the whole world. Someone could not be born, but was born for the sake of you. You are special and unique. Someone, about whose existence you at all don't suspect, loves you. Let at EACH of us.... these magic autumn days.... there will be a person... which will heat... HANDS... HEART... and... I SMOTHER.:heart:

gift0101 11 years ago

gift0101 11 years ago
[b][i] :heart: Loading … Loading … Good After noon + ‘__//\__’ +* ‘ *\Good //*’ + *’ After noon ’+’* +”””\//”””*’*’+ Gift,:heart:

gift0101 11 years ago

zizo202 11 years ago
:heart: [size=24][b]hello dear frnd[/b][/size] :heart:

vijaymsc 11 years ago
[img]http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRkSFPOG3BI_RGn5I3McltkFB0MdBIGDAjz2coH05iEQWb37HwY[/img] :heart: :heart: :heart: :( :) :)

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