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jeyen26 11 years ago
:heart: Good mrng..:sun: [img]http://www.meragallery.com/gallery/main.php?g2_view=core.DownloadItem&g2_itemId=100395&g2_serialNumber=1.jpg[/img]:shy2: Hv a nice day frnd..:note: :heart:

jeyen26 11 years ago
Wht a music composition..!:love: Pyar bhare do...$ [img]http://sound1.mp3pk.com/artist/mehdi_hassan/mehdi_hassan_moviehits6/6moviehits9(www.songs.pk).mp3[/img]:listening:

jeyen26 12 years ago
:note: [b][color=#c20000]A true and practical thought for the life: “When u r up in the life, ur friends know who u r. and when u r down, u know who ur friends r..”[/color] [color=#00aa00]Between a thousand yesterdays & a million tomorrows, there is only one today & i wouldn’t let this day pass without saying this to u, thanks for being my frend.[/color] [color=#ffc602]Every Sunset gives us, one day less to live ! But every sunrise gives us, One day more to hope ! So hope, for the best....[/color] [color=#00aaaa]A student is looking monkey out of the window & d proffessor tolds him, Why are you looking monkey outside When I am in class ?[/color] :p :hee: [color=#f0a2eb]A lady and d lion were kissing each other inside a cage in circus... Ring master asked “can anyone do it ?” Sardar: “I can, but first take the stupid lion out” !![/color]:rofl: [color=#ef9898]A sleeping LION is stronger than a Barking DOG. So a sleeping STUDENT is better than a Barking TEACHER. By, Last Bench Association[/color]:p [color=#aa00aa]Kind Kiss On Forehead. Sweet Kiss on Cheeks. Passionate Kiss on Lips. Romantic Kiss On Neck. But, The HOTTEST Kiss??:o :P On Iron Box:thumb: Try it, Really Hot...[/color]:rofl: [color=#0000aa]Remembering is the heart's own way of keeping touch with those we really love. This special sms comes to tell you that I remember you always.[/color] :) [color=#ffffff]GOOD MORNING[/color] :sun: [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/1/b8e4700a5fda2c1799fc0f0f7ffeaa08.jpg[/img] [img]http://img1.imagehousing.com/55/8e94de6e7db65494336a8398b0367f19.jpg[/img] :heart: Jeyen :heart:

jeyen26 12 years ago

jeyen26 12 years ago
:note: [color=#08e2f0]Pure relationship means: To care without limitationrs, To give without expectiatins, To help without hesitations, and Remember without communication.. :shy2: [img]http://img1.123tagged.com/en/rememberme/33.jpg[/img][img]http://www.allgraphics123.com/graphics/thinking-of-you/thinking-of-you17.gif[/img] :love: [img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Independence-Day-5169.jpg[/img][img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Flowers-3974.jpg[/img] :sun: [img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Good-Evening-3253.jpg[/img] :heart: Jeyen :heart:

jeyen26 12 years ago
mmm....nallonam pokunnund.. ipazhum oru bharyaye ullu..:hot:

jeyen26 12 years ago
:heart: [img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Hi-and-Hello-3979.jpg[/img] :D [b][color=#a0e289]Do u know who is master of teach 'VICTORY'...? Parents..10% Relatives..1% Friends..6% Lover..3% Teacher..5% 'FAILURES'..75%...!! So be confident in life..:thumb: Good mrng dear frnd..:) [img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Take-Care-2771.jpg[/img] :P [img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Funny-2368.jpg[/img][img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Funny-4713.jpg[/img] :p :hee: [img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Optical-Illusion-2921.gif[/img][img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Optical-Illusion-2920.jpg[/img] :o :spin: [img]http://www.dilsecomments.com/graphics/Have-A-Good-Day-4945.jpg[/img] :shy2: Jeyen :heart:

jeyen26 12 years ago
hai rahul sukhano...? :) Training kazhinjo..?

jeyen26 12 years ago
:note: [b][i]A beautiful year is waiting for you.. Walk with aims.... Run with confidence.... Fly with achievements.... Wishing you a happy new year.... :thumb: [img]http://www.desicomments.com/dc3/02/223833/2238331.jpg[/img] :heart: Jeyen :heart:

jeyen26 12 years ago
:note: [color=#ef9898]Life is 5 star Mother is top star Father is king star Teacher is Ultimate star Lover is action star But A friend is the “REAL STAR” :thumb: [img]http://www.desigraphics.com/d/friends/friends_133.jpg[/img] :shy2: [img]http://www.desigraphics.com/d/good_evening/good_evening_014.jpg[/img] :heart:

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