eMo91st (13 years ago) are yo free this weekend?
Veedh37 (13 years ago) H!...ryan:-)
edward230488 (13 years ago) Hi.. Thx for the accept
HaneulRose (13 years ago) Thank you! ^_^
AQUAxGIRL (13 years ago) thankZz FoR aDDin {Image} Arthemis59 (13 years ago) Long time no See.. How are u? your nme is Ryan,am i right?
Arthemis59 (13 years ago) I think your fce like my Kanata,don't you?
Magenta30 (13 years ago) ★"Love can make you happy but often time it hurts, but love is only special when you give it to who its worth"★
Veedh37 (13 years ago) H3lla...buddy hru??
KellynChris (13 years ago) thx twinie
KellynChris (13 years ago) i'm gonna change my profic too twinie
rEdBLacKcOnvErse (13 years ago) . MowN!nx ryAn . . n,n .
eMo91st (13 years ago) Long story i will tell yo later ...
katlene15 (13 years ago) aah .. LoL^^ .. weLL .. GuDmornin now .. heh !
OKTA123 (13 years ago) yu can call me okta..reyan nice name..