sweetheart13 (13 years ago)
suhaan153 (13 years ago) MaY u aLwAyS hAVe : eNoUgH hApPiNeSs tO kEEp u sWeEt; eNoUgH TrIaLs tO kEEp u sTrOnG; eNoUgH SuCcEsS tO kEEp u eAgEr; eNoUgH fAiTh tO gIvE u ...
saran10 (13 years ago) Good evening
suhaan153 (13 years ago) ThE mOSt SeLfISH oNe LeTteR wORd 'I', AvOiD iT. ThF mOSt sAtIsFyInG tWo LeTtEr wORd 'WE', UsE iT. ThE mOSt pOiSoNoUs tHrEe LeTtEr wORd 'EGO', K...
suhaan153 (13 years ago) EacH DaY GoD seNds hIs anGEls tO guIde uS. We doN't exPEct tO sEe tHEm wITh wiNgs, oR wITh hALo fLyIng abOve thEir heAds. InStead, tHEy cOMe in ...
suhaan153 (13 years ago) We may not shower him with praise Nor mention his name in song, And sometimes it seems that we forget The joy he spreads as he goes along,...
NSEXYN (13 years ago) HAPPY MONSOON {Image}
suhaan153 (13 years ago) Treat life as a sea, heart as a seashore and friends like waves. It never matters how many waves are there? What matters is which one touches th...
suhaan153 (13 years ago) Good Morning sunshine a good morning to you. Good morning sunshine and a good day too. Keep a smile upon your face, for all the human race a...
AVIcOOLpic (13 years ago) How r u honey ?
AVIcOOLpic (13 years ago) Many many thanks honey for accepting my friendship.take care.
NSEXYN (13 years ago) Good morning prapty {Image}
aindracool555 (13 years ago) hi i m aindra plz ad me s ur frnd dear
suhaan153 (13 years ago) Life is like a football game and we are the football. Never mind the kicks of people Because without those kicks we may not reach the goal. Good ...
NSEXYN (13 years ago) Good morning {Image}