wishmastertr (12 years ago) heia hvordan går det?
nikhil2050 (12 years ago) :...
KABIR9A1 (12 years ago) Me 2 fine
KABIR9A1 (12 years ago) kesi ho tum ?
KABIR9A1 (12 years ago) Frozu kaha thi tu itne din ? i mis u a lote
SmArtOLiAr (12 years ago) Once in a lifetime someone breaksyour heart, and if you still feel tohold that person with everybroken piece, that amazing pain iscalled ...
nikhil2050 (12 years ago) GOODHAVE...MORNINGA...:hea...
KABIR9A1 (13 years ago) frozu
KABIR9A1 (13 years ago) good morning
ROCKxSTAR07 (13 years ago) Hearts dena band karo yar sab mere aur Kabir ke piche line mai kade hojao
KABIR9A1 (13 years ago) g n s d
honey4711 (13 years ago) NEVER reject 3 pe0ple:LEO, SAGITARIOUS, AQUARIOUS.They are true, h0nest frIends !!NEVER believe in 3 pe0ple:GEMINI, PISES, SC0RPIO.Th...
honey4711 (13 years ago) The best love story is when you fall in love... !!With the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time....♥ ♥
honey4711 (13 years ago) Never leave a true relation for few faults....!Think... just once...Nobody is perfect Nobody is correct...........And at the end affe...