Kesepian lagi,. - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
harumindah (12 years ago) lam kenal,,,
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) Every caring person says:if anything happens to u, i'll be here beside u.but G0D will say:nothing will happen to u,as long as I am with...
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) Laughing isn't something you do for fun. It is sometimes a relief when you badly misses someone or an escape when you're hurting too mu...
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) " People can 4giv what u did. . . .but. . . .they can never 4get h0w u make them feel . "So be carefull n0t to hurt anyone's feel...
xiicharm05 (12 years ago) thanks for adding me Uvhik ! Have a day ahead .