Riyaz01 (8 years ago) :h...
Riyaz01 (9 years ago) The sole meaning of life is to serve humanity keep smiling ...
maxpayne66 (9 years ago) Sara sorry I forgot your real name How are you
patron00 (9 years ago)
mizzy11 (10 years ago)
maxpayne66 (10 years ago) HAVE A GOOD DAY
Riyaz01 (11 years ago) Making one person smile can change the worldMaybe not the w...
Riyaz01 (11 years ago)
saaket (12 years ago) {Image} “MORNING” is a good time to “RE...
Jessjare (12 years ago) heY i aM sTiLl aLiVe aNd sO aRe yOu oH wHeR dId yOu gO? keEp.iNtoUcH mY fReN. . . . hOpe to cAtcH u oNe dAy wHen u R oNliNe
LIBYANMAN33 (12 years ago)
Tinkana (12 years ago) Orkut ScrapsOrkut ScrapsOrkut Scraps
maxpayne66 (12 years ago) "Meeting you wasfate becoming yourfriend was a choice but falling in love withyou was beyond mycontrol LOL j...
havalwaxo (12 years ago) {Image}
havalwaxo (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} View all