jeyen26 (10 years ago) Respect Those People Who Find Time for U In Their Time Table.But Love Those Who Don’t Consult Their Time Tables When U Need...
zizo202 (10 years ago)
jeyen26 (10 years ago) Hellow.. {Image} Good evng frnd.....
jeyen26 (10 years ago) Good evng frnd.. {Image} ...
jeyen26 (10 years ago) Good nyt nd swt drmz {Image}
jeyen26 (10 years ago) {Image} jeyen26 (10 years ago) {Image} RadhikaShukla (10 years ago) - More Angel Commentshello dear how r u .
Imranhamza7777 (10 years ago) hi
jeyen26 (10 years ago) much brilliant u are..? Try to ans these Q s... Q. How can you drop a raw egg onto a concrete floor without cracking it?[...
jeyen26 (10 years ago) HELLOW.....!! {Image} jeyen26 (10 years ago) Destiny IsSimply Strength Of Our Desires. If U Cry At A Trouble, It Grows Double. If U Laugh At A Trouble,...
jeyen26 (10 years ago) What Indian advertisements taughtme.??? 1. Kareena has dandruff problem, Katrina has dry hair problem, Shilpa has hairfall p...
jeyen26 (10 years ago) Hallo.. {Image} Good evng frnd.. [im...