Live your life in your own terms and conditions happy independence day my friends - (12 years ago)Comment (0)
S0OJISUB (10 years ago) Another year of success and happiness has passed.With every new year, comes greater challenges and obstacles in life.:hear...
S0OJISUB (11 years ago) gOod mOwninbreakfast time S0OJISUB (11 years ago) HaPpY valentine daYstill offline
damodar54 (12 years ago) ''L I V E T O G E T H E R"What did u read?Live TogetherorLive To GatherorLive To Get Her.Just a beautiful way 2 say'LIFE' is the ...
S0OJISUB (12 years ago) haPpY new Year damodar54 (12 years ago) Saying gudnite is not just putting an end to a day.Its a way of saying , I remember u before i go 2 sleep.Hope u can feel the care that goes wi...
S0OJISUB (12 years ago) {Image} damodar54 (12 years ago) Thank u for signing my gb..Gud nite {Image} DEVENDER09 (12 years ago)
damodar54 (12 years ago) have a nice day nd take care
damodar54 (12 years ago) {Image} {Image} ...
Nh0xZuZu (12 years ago) have a nice day
DEVENDER09 (12 years ago) Ei haun thik. Tu ds kenda sa
damodar54 (12 years ago) GOD is so wise, he didn't create FRIENDS with price tags because if He did, I couldn't afford YOU!!! Happy Friendship Day ! :da...
damodar54 (12 years ago) Tel me,y u ask me that question?