Martin9985 (13 years ago) hey Isa I was send u reply but ya don't.... so when ya come here?
Martin9985 (13 years ago) Oww ryt ryt... Oki
Martin9985 (13 years ago) Oki hehe I send it to yor pm na.
Martin9985 (13 years ago) Sure y not. So tel me when ya come here....
Martin9985 (13 years ago) Oww u're pretty. Haha really? Can u come in here to me? If ya do this I wil accept ya
Martin9985 (13 years ago) Hmmm how ya know to love me? Btw it was u in sent me de photos?
Martin9985 (13 years ago) u juz look my face and then love me? u know what it's not love oki...
Martin9985 (13 years ago) Oww My god... Hmmm sori I have Gf
Martin9985 (13 years ago) How ya love me??? Do ya know me?