king897666 (6 years ago) Hi
lkaaLl (9 years ago) Romantic relationships are based on expectations and responsibilities. Professional relationships are based on gains and losses. But f...
lkaaLl (9 years ago) Whether it is a hangover, headache or sickness, even the worst of mornings become happy and cute when I think of friends like you. I ho...
jeyen26 (9 years ago) GooD MrnG...! lkaaLl (9 years ago) hw are u dear??
lkaaLl (9 years ago) good morning
lkaaLl (9 years ago) good nght...
lkaaLl (9 years ago) come chat room
jeyen26 (9 years ago) Good Evng my dear frnd..For you... lkaaLl (9 years ago) tc..Good nght sweet DreaM
lkaaLl (9 years ago) can u come oslobby?? If u sleepy dnt come
jeyen26 (9 years ago) Days are too busy... Hours are too fast..Seconds are too few... But there is always timefor me to remember a sweet f...
arie5 (9 years ago)
arie5 (9 years ago) A friend is a gift you give yourself