friends in my thinking net is should't used in mobile because now every one have mobile they use mobile . And i saw in my class a lot of student use net in the class than i think itshould't have in mobile . Now you tell your thinking (13 years ago)
In this morden age we knw what is the importance of internet in our daily life. Internet/mob use in classroom and internet facility in mob is quite differ things. Use of Internet/Mob in classes can be handle by the college/school authority/guidelines. So they shouldn't allow student to use mob during class period its totally depend on them. In other point of view we use internet in mob to stay connected wid world or all d things easily. In our society der r 3 type of ppls- rich, middle class, poor. So every person can't afford a pc/laptop. A person is unable to go with a pc/laptop everywhere. Now all facilitiy are also available in mob so why not we use net in mob? Internet in mob should be used but we should follow certain guidelines.
(13 years ago)
Good thought SomebodyzMe.. I agree with you.. But, I want to ask a Q.. Cell phone is the most needed one for pupils..? Here I see many pupils use mobile from their 10years for communication purpose and some other reasons like gaming, chatting etc,.. According to me, cellphone using should be prohibited till 18years.. Even there are many +'s in using, many of the pupils and others who are below 18years use the cellphone for many ugly purposes like porn videos and photos d/ling. In our life, everyone learns that what is sex and how will it be done.. If there is one and only way to learn about sex after one's 18-20years, It won't spoil their study and it won't mislead them to wrong way.. So, Using Cellphone in institutions should be prohibited.. (13 years ago)
Yea me too agree with u phoneixbaalaa. I think pupil's parents should taught them what is right or wrong! Govt. Should prohibit to provide in such things like use of cellphones. There r many +'s in this as spoken by baalaa. And about sex, if there is a way to learn what is sex after 18-20 yr then it won't mis-lead them. During adolescence/teenage period due to several changes in d body involving pshysical, mental, hormonal growth leads them to interests sexual activities. Teenagers follow "dnt care what happens" attitude, thtsy some use drugs, alcohol, tobacco etc. & this leads them to accident, suicides etc. So parents roll during this period is vry imp, they should guide there child then it won't mislead them in future. Use of innovative educational methods, development of youth character for school/college students & communities should be done
(13 years ago)
ha ha ha.. Y u guys r blaming only mobile for sex addiction? Y u not blame target and its friend ? Friends plays an vital role in sex addiction. And secondly, y mobile phone should prohibit only in institution, Not in whole life? (13 years ago)
My simple answer is: A good friend never take you to wrong path.. (13 years ago)
Hai phoenix, hellu alien, hai naafa...just passing by.. Helu somebdyZme ethna lecture math de yaar.. I knw ma hindi suckZ..) (13 years ago)
@SomebodyzME, when i read yua comment i just pinchd myself to make sure am nt in ma classrum .. Justkidin lol..!! Yu go on ...)))) (13 years ago)
hello r u?
r u studing biology here?
(13 years ago)
Hello knights... Nice to meet you! Anything wrong wid ma comment
(13 years ago)
@SomebodyzME.. No no nothing wrong....!)) seriously yu are absolutely brilliant..)) (13 years ago)
@SomebodyzME.. No no nothing wrong....!)) seriously yu are absolutely brilliant..)) (13 years ago)
Am fine alien., yup just for a moment i though i waz in ma biology class...
p aw I was a biolgy studnt..
@nafaa, ma hindi rocZ ...!!! Really ?? Thnx...Infact am in tearz ryt now, and i really want yu to knw diz Cz of happiness lol...hahaha confusd ya scared...??? Aw ¡ Like the way you lied.....!!))ppp (13 years ago)
knights.. I think ur hindi is not bad but very bad!
infact ur hindi is gud n ur writing style is like as 'jaise angrez log bolte hai'
(13 years ago)
Yup! Thanks @ knights...
i'm also a biology student... Now u're confused, scared or shocked?
hahaha kidding.... (13 years ago)
yup i'm also biology student. Now u both will confuse, n shocked
(13 years ago)
@alien... Physics!
(13 years ago)
hey mangifera indica... M biology student Lso.
(13 years ago)
No Felis domestica... U're not!
@ alien lol (13 years ago)
oh muska domestica.. Then u also not
(13 years ago)