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 Who is Rodayao?

I want know. (14 years ago)

I am rodayao..why? (14 years ago)

Vary vary famous (14 years ago)

RodayoWho are you?I don't know about you. (14 years ago)

Thankxmazelltov. (14 years ago)

Thankx mazelltov. (14 years ago)

Thanks for your compliment pyb... (14 years ago)

lol haloo myroda.. tell them go to yr profile..and read it at... box about me.. is it hard to find out (14 years ago)

lol haloo myroda.. tell them go to yr profile..and read it at... box about me.. is it hard to find out (14 years ago)

Roda vary famous because lots her freinds belongs to prostitution  (14 years ago)

@countryman, u r stepping out of ur boundary...i dont know what name should i call u coz u r attacking me with so many ids.. hahaha..ur a dirty player huh..i never expected that a man like u will keep so much hatred in me to d point of using my identity just to destroy my reputation... i pity u, may God bless u.... (14 years ago)

xcuse me rodayo, its really abt u? I mean 'Who is Rodayao?'  (14 years ago)

xcuse me rodayo, its really abt u? I mean 'Who is Rodayao?'  (14 years ago)

xcuse me rodayo, its really abt u? I mean 'Who is Rodayao?'  (14 years ago)

hmm...i also dont knw 'Who is Rodayao?' (14 years ago)

Roda if u want simply call me by own name ......... Roda roda i knw my boundries i.e infinity on ownskin n many others place to so roda did i slaped u as u said i m attacking on u ......... Roda i told u you r nothing just a thing of fun for me n everyone comes to ownskin for entertainment as mine entertainment is u  (14 years ago)

Roda u r famous because lots of yr friends belongs to prostitution like gift0101 thats i mean  (14 years ago)

pls dont comment (14 years ago)

To countrymen : U cn comment little bit more decently and politely on this lady,Rodayao. Though i dont know anything ,still. (14 years ago)

To countrymen : U cn comment little bit more decently and politely on this lady,Rodayao. Though i dont know anything ,still. (14 years ago)

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