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 If a boy can not find his love, what he should do?

Some boys afraid of love. But they do not hate to love. They wants to love a girl, who'll love him. But he can not find. In this case what have to do? (14 years ago)

greetings! its not that they r afraid of love, they r just afraid of d emotinal turmoil and psycological torture that comes with falling in love.. the only solution to get rid of it is preparation, prepare urself to a worst case scenario so thats if things go wrong u wont hurt so bad.. (14 years ago)

greetings! its not that they r afraid of love, they r just afraid of d emotinal turmoil and psycological torture that comes with falling in love.. the only solution to get rid of it is preparation, prepare urself to a worst case scenario so thats if things go wrong u wont hurt so bad.. (14 years ago)

Boys shudn't afraid 2 love. Dey shud Take d riSks! Expct d unExpctd! Take it as a cHlLenge! Grls feel d Same way Too.. We wil ol hav sum1 dstinEd 4 us, its Juz a mTter of waiting. Der's a ryt Tym 4 it.  (14 years ago)

Love has cause many of my friendz trouble at their young age.some of my friends get angry wen they see girls.boys and girls nöne of us is good bcos we do break each other's heart  (14 years ago)

True love is never found. It comes anytime,we just need to recognise that. (14 years ago)

True love is never found. It comes anytime,we just need to recognise that. (14 years ago)

well, thts nt a pro. Boys should b try to find another love.  (14 years ago)

hey man boy r not afraid of girls its that they dont to how to introduce them to a girle  (14 years ago)

hey man boy r not afraid of girls its that they dont to how to introduce them to a girle  (14 years ago)

Change Yourself Yaar.......  (14 years ago)

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