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 Y gals did nt say freely dt they wtching blue films regularly?Y they feel shy?

Y gals did nt say freely dt they wtching blue film regularly?Y they feel shy? (14 years ago)

they r afraid (14 years ago)

ya they afraid.. (14 years ago)

how do u know they are watching blue films regularly then? (14 years ago)

jay...dont u know that girls also see films? If not...then they wouldnt knw wht the blue film is! Its funny but true... (14 years ago)

jay...dont u know that girls also see films? If not...then they wouldnt knw wht the blue film is! Its funny but true... (14 years ago)

yes  (14 years ago)

yes  (14 years ago)

I honestly dont know what blue film means until i search on d net n found out that blue film means porn films.. got it? (14 years ago)

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