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Adams, Ellard & Frankum P.C.

146 E Water St
Clarkesville, GA 30523

(706) 754-2171

Attorneys, Real Estate Attorneys, Wills & Probate Law

Asking for help is more of a sign of strength than it ever is for a sign of weakness, and the same principle can be applied for when you need legal assistance. Adams, Ellard Frankum, P.C. is a law firm located in Clarkesville, GA, that’s dedicated to clients seeking legal representation for wills, trusts, and real estate cases. Whether you’re looking for assistance in determining ownership of property after the death of a loved one or you want to draft a contract that protects your company during a transaction, you’ll receive the legal aid you need.

If you need help in probate court, count on the attorneys at this law firm to bring you justice. Probate can include proving the validity of a will, choosing an estate administrator, totaling assets upon entry or exit of the estate, paying off estate taxes and debts, identifying heirs, and distributing any remaining assets to the heirs as described in the will. If you’re creating a trust or trying to lower your estate taxes, this group of attorneys is your best bet.

It’s also important to have protection for your company in the event that some unfortunate event befalls you or an employee. With these lawyers, you’ll get excellent returns on your investment, as they’ll give you legal counsel when you need it the most, protecting your company from liability claims and more. Moreover, their corporate law services also include:

Arbitration, mediation, and alternative dispute resolution
Franchise sales
Contract recession
Tax issues

Ensure you have the legal counsel you deserve by working with the team of experienced attorneys at Adams, Ellard Frankum, P.C. Call them today at (706) 754-2171 to schedule your initial consultation.
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Skinner Since: 5 years ago
Last Login: 5 years ago

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