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wafa2014 Guestbook

sweet2salty  (13 years ago)

bRorther Atif (SoNNey)
sweet2salty  (13 years ago)
The Basic Fact of Relation betwen "Allah" & "Human"

Give,Give,Give & "Forgive"..

Get,Get,Get &"Forget"
Always be thankful to ALLAH..
sweet2salty  (13 years ago)
?2 friends talking:

Hey, I got married!

Oh,thats good!
No,thats bad. she’s ugly!

Oh,thats Bad!
No.thats Good. She’s rich!

Oh! thats good!
No,thats bad ! she won’t give me a cent.

Oh, thats bad!
No,thats Good! She bought me a big houaase!

Oh.thats good.
No.thats bad! The house burnt down!

Oh,thats bad!.
No, thats good! She was inside

Haroon9  (13 years ago)
gd n9 :hart:
hwab zindagi ke hasen lamhy ha...esly so jao aor hamy yad rako.

wafa2014  (13 years ago)
helloo every one.
raj294  (13 years ago)
hi friend
Ibrarmughal  (13 years ago)
Hi,kasi ho
wafa2014  (13 years ago)
helloo every one.

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