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precioussam Guestbook

precioussam  (10 years ago)
Never mind of what people say about u neither consider the gathering of hypocrites & spoilers, for where u have been envied today there u may be an heroe tomorrow therefore, never tired of doing the right things.
precioussam  (10 years ago)
though, thousands of ladies might have tried me but not as my lovely one who can make me feel extraordinarily.
precioussam  (10 years ago)
hey! have u ever seen a wise man being killed by anger? no, but it's only the envy that will slay the silly one.
precioussam  (10 years ago)
in any step u are about to take either is of good or evil always remember your witness "your shadow" who will testify against u on the judgment day.
precioussam  (10 years ago)
Note that only one of the two thing will be use to remember u, either the problem that u created or the problem that u solved.
precioussam  (11 years ago)
Hmm! Some are dream but no vision, some vision without dream, even some had both dream & vision but it's ineffective why?
precioussam  (11 years ago)
Always bear it in ur mind that only love can make a city to become a nation
precioussam  (11 years ago)
Answer the following & get ur gift. "Since when u were born have u ever see a man shot arrow to the end of heaven? Or touch the moon of the heaven? Or call out the sun in the night?"
precioussam  (11 years ago)
Though darkness might have covered the whole world but love will surely create light.
precioussam  (11 years ago)
Just bear it in mind that ur hatred can make u stumble in the day as night
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