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Momi366 Guestbook

atifsony  (13 years ago)

atifsony  (13 years ago)
Öld friends are gÖld!

New friends are diamÖnd!

if u gÖt diamÖnd dÖn't fÖrget

da gÖld BcÖz tÖ hÖld a diamÖnd in a Ring,

U need a base Öf gÖld!

Love U Frnds
atifsony  (13 years ago)
hey MoMi little Monster how r U?
atifsony  (13 years ago)
I never Expect Other's to Miss me..But I wil Always Drop my messags into their Inbox to Show:I Still "MISS" them,with or without their response...
atifsony  (13 years ago)

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