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DesiBoy55 Guestbook

kerimbincelal  (10 years ago)

moonriver175  (10 years ago)


danelfiriel  (10 years ago)
Don't be sad for the bad things that happen to you....

Remember that
Everything happens for a reason!

KomischGirl  (11 years ago)

danelfiriel  (11 years ago)
Ofra10  (11 years ago)

I wish you Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year
my Dear Friend

Thank you so much for your friendship
and all from you

danelfiriel  (11 years ago)
Snowflakes are unique!
There could be millions in a day but yet all different to each other!

They are tiny but extremely complicated!
Different shapes, different sizes, a whole history inside them!

Created by nature or created by magic?
Althought they are crystal ice,
if you look them closer, they may warm you more than any fire!

so, Be Different...

Be Unique...

Be You...
and show everyone
your warm heart and magic!

hawk63  (11 years ago)

أشياء صغيره لكنها دات معنى
انسانى عميق .. الحب يجــعل
مــن الحيـاة أسهــل ......

danelfiriel  (11 years ago)
moonriver175  (11 years ago)

relax times

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