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Omjee83 Guestbook

mylove0015  (11 years ago)
good morning


In my dreams, we were never
apart. In my dreams you kept me
close. In my dreams you loved me
the most. In my dreams we’re
Always together. Might as well be
dreaming forever.
but because i accept you and
respect you the way you are.


keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
mylove0015  (11 years ago)
good morning


One tree can start a forest, one
smile can start a friendship. One
touch can show you care, one
friend like you can make life
worth living for.


keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
mylove0015  (11 years ago)
Good morning


I always thought loving someone
is the greatest feeling, but I
realized that loving a friend is
even better. We lose people we
love, but we never lose true


keep smilling

yours loving JIMY

mylove0015  (11 years ago)
good morning


Some joys are better explained in
silence, as a smile gets more
audible than laughter. I was
asked if I enjoyed my friendship
with you. I just smiled.


keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
xnirx  (11 years ago)


An English professor wrote the words,
"Woman without her man is nothing,"
on the blackboard and directed the students to punctuate it correctly.

The men wrote: "Woman, without her man, is nothing."
The women wrote: "Woman! Without her, man is nothing."
I hope its not confusing

♥(●̮̮̃•̃)The Images of Mother (●̮̮̃•̃)♥

4YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mommy can do anything!
8 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mom knows a lot! A whole lot!
12 YEARS OF AGE ~ My Mother doesn't really know quite everything.
14 YEARS OF A! GE ~ Naturally, Mother doesn't know that, either.
16 YEARS OF AGE ~ Mother? She's hopelessly old-fashioned.
18 YEARS OF AGE ~ That old woman? She's way out of date!
25 YEARS OF AGE ~ Well, she might know a little bit about it.

,*”*,*”*,Beauty of a Woman,*”*,*”*,

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
The figure she carries, or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes,
Because that is the doorway to her heart,
The place where love resides.
The beauty of a woman Is not in a facial mole,
But true beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives,
The passion that she shows.
♥The beauty of a woman With passing years-only grows♥


mylove0015  (11 years ago)
good morning


Frnz R D Smell Of Cigrates
Whch Stays In D
Finger Tips 4 A Short Time
Bt True Frnz R Lik D
Nicotine In D Cigrates
Which Stay In D Heart Til Death..


keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
xnirx  (11 years ago)



A fool may be known by six things

anger without cause

speech without profit

change without progress

enquiry without object

putting trust in a stranger

mistaking foes for friends


A negative thinker see a difficulty in every opportunity

A positive thinker see an opportunity in every difficulty

Wish u an optimistic life




mylove0015  (11 years ago)
good morning


Friendship Is Not Written By
2 Erase Or Write Again.
It?s Written With Da Ink Of Love
On The Wall Of Heart
Once Written Can?t Be Changed
Dats Frndship


keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
mylove0015  (11 years ago)
good morning


Thank you for touching my life in
ways you may never know. My
riches do not lie in material
wealth but in having friends like
you – a precious gift from God!


keep smilling

yours loving JIMY
mylove0015  (11 years ago)
good morning


Mising u,
is my ?HOBBY?
Care 4u,
is my ?JOB?
Make u happy,
is my?DREAM?
Pray 4 u,
is my ?DUTY?
2keep frndship with u,
Is my ?LIFE


keep smilling

yours loving JIMY

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