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king1 Guestbook

gift0101  (8 years ago)

Begin this day with a smile on your face

Good morning!

gift0101  (8 years ago)

Beautiful Week ,Wonderful Day! Always take care

gift0101  (8 years ago)

An empty stomach needs food,
An empty brain needs knowledge,
An empty house needs a family,


An empty heart needs love.. But then, an empty life needs a friend,

thanks for filling it !!

Gift Box

333968  (8 years ago)

Any body can love a rose,
but no one can love a leaf that is near to the rose,

Don't love some one who is beautiful
but love one who makes your life beautiful

Happy Tuesday


gift0101  (8 years ago)

G' evening..

333968  (8 years ago)

Train your mind to see the good in every situation


333968  (8 years ago)

Our Life is a creation of our MIND

Nice Friday
gift0101  (8 years ago)

A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world.

iambest  (8 years ago)

linda009  (8 years ago)

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