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ellax24 Guestbook

charmxx  (13 years ago)
nothin becki
charmxx  (13 years ago)

suhaan153  (13 years ago)
EacH DaY GoD seNds hIs anGEls tO guIde uS. We doN't exPEct tO sEe tHEm wITh wiNgs, oR wITh hALo fLyIng abOve thEir heAds. InStead, tHEy cOMe in disGUise aNd wE cAll tHEm friEnds. ThANks fOr beIng aN anGel tO mE! GooD mOrNiNg mY dEAr frIEnd...!!!
charmxx  (13 years ago)
bakla ka tglan m party ok mag aral ka na lang!
charmxx  (13 years ago)
Rudolph18  (13 years ago)
M doin grrrt svitheart. .N u ?
Rudolph18  (13 years ago)
Hei helo ella. .
suhaan153  (13 years ago)
Care is the main ingredient that keeps true friendships alive despite separation, distance and time. Care sustains love. Since I can't see you, let my care be with you, friend! Good Afternoon Dear & Have A Nice Day Ahead...!!!
Rudolph18  (13 years ago)
Helo u 2 tke cre beb .
TheLastBoyOnEARTH  (13 years ago)
heLLo.. Wats up?

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