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Evil and cruel !!

Renia79 Guestbook

JAAVED99  (13 years ago)
I know dee you are not fine ... please take care
anakadam38  (13 years ago)
geng siank neng mt br apd aj
sweet2salty  (13 years ago)
oK Cute ghOst bubye
JAAVED99  (13 years ago)
Hey DeAr
sweet2salty  (13 years ago)
its mean U ghost to
sweet2salty  (13 years ago)
Good Nite U to Dear Frnd have Beautiful Dreams of Ghosts
anakadam38  (13 years ago)
mt mlm jga
JAAVED99  (13 years ago)
Gud evng my special friend
sweet2salty  (13 years ago)
The Basic Fact of Relation betwen "Allah" & "Human"

Give,Give,Give & "Forgive"..

Get,Get,Get &"Forget"
Always be thankful to ALLAH..
anakadam38  (13 years ago)
mt sore ren

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