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thanya13 Guestbook

serizawan  (11 years ago)
gpp kok, lagian klo kbanyakan yg manis2 nanti ak kena diabetes,
km bls pesanku & blg thanks aj ud lebih dari cukup,
take gud care, and keep in touch,
serizawan  (11 years ago)

i wish that God would hold you tight,
i hope that
angels would keep you in sight,
now just to
make sure you feel all right,
i'm gonna blow you
a sweet goodnight


serizawan  (12 years ago)
no words to say,no gifts to give,
just wish for you to be happy always,


have a sweet valentines day,

serizawan  (12 years ago)
raja gombal,?
halah2,onok2 ae pean iki,
ak cocoke jd raja gembel, puasss,
take gud care,
serizawan  (12 years ago)
Gud nite,


take gud care,
serizawan  (12 years ago)
Why do we close our eyes when we sleep,when we cry,when we imagine, when we kiss?
Because the most beautiful thing in the world is unseen.


gud nite,
phellype  (12 years ago)
serizawan  (12 years ago)
nyontek,? emang anak sekolah lg ujian,,
serizawan  (12 years ago)
One of the joys in life is waking up each day with thoughts that somewhere, someone cares enough to send a warm morning greeting!
Good morning and enjoy the day!
serizawan  (12 years ago)
owh itu, nevermind biasa aj kok,ga sweet2 amat,

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