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argelix  (13 years ago)
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argelix  (13 years ago)
Image HostingGoogle Start PagesMeaning Of Names
mamet27  (13 years ago)
maruf794  (13 years ago)
'MaNy PeOpLe oN thE eArTh giVeS yOu.. CrYinG TeArS aNd LaUgHinG SmiLEs... BuT ThErE aRe fEw pEopLe whO giVE yoU LaUgHinG TeArS aAd CrYinG SmiLeS... ThOsE vErY fEw aRe caLLeD FRIENDS...' miss you... WiShiNg fAbuLouS NigHt {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image}
VICKYARYA  (13 years ago)
Hi dear hw r u ?
maruf794  (13 years ago)
ThErE iS aLwAys a rEaSoN foR eVeRytHinG: A rEaSoN tO Live,,, A rEaSoN tO diE,,, A rEaSoN tO cRy,,, BuT iF u cAn’t finD a rEaSoN tO SmiLe,,, CaN I bE thE rEaSoN foR a whiLe??? {Image} {Image} {Image} {Image} golden urine {Image} {Image} sweet kid! {Image} {Image}
argelix  (13 years ago)
imagenes para hi5

maruf794  (13 years ago)
SORRY…. SORRY…. SORRY…..SORRY…. DoNt gEt coNfuSeD Arey Baba SORRY means: S-SomE.. O-OnE.. Is, R-ReaLLy.. R-ReMeMbeRinhG.. Y-YoU…..HaVe A WoNdErfuL MoRniNG…. {Image} {Image} {Image}
argelix  (13 years ago)
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mamet27  (13 years ago)
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