LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)i Was so MaD At thT TYm,FeEL LyK BEin chEAtEd,i weNt oVer nD ScOLd hEr FoR THT
aLL mY OthEr frNdS pRoTECteD Her fROM Me,SHE HId nD juz kiP QuieT,sHe daRed NOT to saY anYTHiN
i dUNnO HOw loUD i ScREaM tHt tyM
i JUZZ NoE I WAs bEIn slAPpED Nd fell tO thE GRouNd bY OnE Of mA FRnDS :'( aLl thT SCenE SEmM So yESterDae
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)i Dun aLOW HeR To haBe boYfrNds too,pOsSEsIvE RYT?
Many oF Ma frNds thOT Am lESbO
bUt weIrD THt i lOvE LOkiNG At cUtE GUyS
sO,aM toTAly nOt lESbO,Am jUZz BeiNg pOssEsIVe toWArD HeR
dEn i starT cOntrOl thE WAy shE TAlK,SHe mAkE FRnDs
i olWays teLL HeR THt hEr frNDS ArE NOT GOoD ENuFF fOr hEr
i nEVa reaLiSeD Tht aM LOSiN Her DAy bY DAy
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)i haBE A VeRY ClOse gIrlFRnd,WE are eVeN ClOser thaN reaL ONE
we KNOwN EAcH OthErS SinCe wE ArE IN pRimARy scHOoL
SinCe aM YOuGesT So i thOt bEINg seLfiSh nD pOSsesSivE Is nOrmAL nD nAtuRe bCuZ My sIblIngS olWAyS GibE In to ME
i bCUm JeaLOs WhEn she taLk to SOmoNe rathEr deN mE
I WiLL ignoRe hEr fOr a vEry lONG TyM,sHe iS OLwayS THe oNe wHo CaLL mE FIrsT
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)sOrY
Ma NeT Is iN DiSOrdEr moOD :
i wIl TELL yOu noW
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)ActuALy yOu goTta chANged tHT
bCuz i aLMoST lose mY ClosefRnD ONcE Nd aLl mA FRNds
DEy THoT Am ovErDoin iT,DeY EvEn doUBt mA relAtIon stAtUs
wHeN YoU TRy tO cONtroL sOmONe,yOU seMm OLrEDy loSin hEr
lEmME TElL YoU A Hell reaL stoRy abT mE
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)i fEeel saD Too BuT I CAnT DO AnythIn aS WHEN I cEe iT,It waS OlredY Dead
aM SeLfiSh whEn cOmE To pERSonaL stUf
bUt i waS EvEn woRsE WhEn aM StIlL SEConDAruy GiRl
i dUn shAre frNds tOo