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shanky232 Guestbook

KismatB  (12 years ago)

May the blessings of Allah
fill your life with happiness and
open all the doors of success now and always.
Eid Mubarik


ritu8893  (12 years ago)
We make many friends,

Some become Dearest,

Some become Special,

Some We Fall in Love with,

Some go Abroad,

Some change their cities,

Some Leave us

We Leave some,

Some are in contact,

Some are not in contact

N Some don't contact

because of their ego,

We don't contact some

because of our ego,

Wherever they are,

However they are,

We still remember,
N Care

about them because of the part they played,


Forward to all your frnds.

no matter how often you talk or how close you are

Let old friends know you haven't forgotten them

& tell new friends you will never forget them

Cheers To friendship..

♥Take Care♥
naba21O  (12 years ago)


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ritu8893  (12 years ago)
Once In Life,
Do fall in Love,
Not necesarly with a Person,
With an Idea,
A Dream,
An Ambition
More often It'll be a Reason To wake up with a Smile!

Good Morning
Have A Wonderfull SunDay...
shanky232  (12 years ago)
Friends18.com Flowers Scraps
ritu8893  (12 years ago)
Sweet things are easy 2 buy, but sweet people are difficult to find. Life ends when u stop dreaming, hope ends when u stop believing, Love ends when u stop caring, Friendship ends when u stops sharing. So share this with whom ever u consider a friend. To love without condition to talk without intention to give without reason .and to care without expectation. .is the heart of a true friend ..

Good Morning
Take Care

ritu8893  (12 years ago)
Sweet things are easy 2 buy, but sweet people are difficult to find. Life ends when u stop dreaming, hope ends when u stop believing, Love ends when u stop caring, Friendship ends when u stops sharing. So share this with whom ever u consider a friend. To love without condition to talk without intention to give without reason .and to care without expectation. .is the heart of a true friend ..

Good Morning
Take Care

Neha003  (12 years ago)
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii hw r u?
Sakura303  (12 years ago)



Happy friendship day

naba21O  (12 years ago)

Crazy days and screwed up nights,
Tons of Crushes and stupid fights,
Secrets we will take to the grave,
Pictures we will forever save.
Through thick and thin,
Always true.
Friends forever,
Me n U!

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