Avi030 (13 years ago)The best medicine in the world without any side effect is a smiling face....! I pray that this madicine must be always with you......avi
Avi030 (13 years ago)Hello,,weake up,Receive my simple gift of good mornig..
Avi030 (13 years ago)A simple calculation on how long we will be lovely friends,,,count the star in heaven + sand on the shore and maultiply by the heartbeat=FOREVER
Avi030 (13 years ago)Smile is a language of love,,A source to win heasts....so keep smiling
Avi030 (13 years ago)Goad asked:Hell or Heven? I said hell.Y? For "U"! Coz that's where u will be!
Avi030 (13 years ago)Give me comments
Avi030 (13 years ago)Smile please
Avi030 (13 years ago)Hi frnd keep smile
Avi030 (13 years ago)Hi friend gud mornig ''HAVE A NICE DAY
Avi030 (13 years ago)The moon from the sky winks at you tonight,,,wishing you a lovely good night..