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frannilious09 Guestbook

az9034  (12 years ago)
Friendship & Medicine
both r good 4 our health.
They care us when we need,
but the only difference is that.
Friendship has no expiry date
Rawatevil999  (12 years ago)
Good Morning dear

Have A nIce day
garry131  (12 years ago)
{Image} {Image} {Image} thousand,s of language,s are in this world ,,but smile can beat them all because smile is a universal language which even a baby can speak,, {Image} {Image} {Image}
AmazingSiddharth4You  (12 years ago)
Hi how r you?
kiran3310  (12 years ago)
i am f9
kiran3310  (12 years ago)
az9034  (12 years ago)
I made a cup    (
of coffee        ))
specially       _((_
for u.          d___l

There is no Sugar,
but don't worry,
the sender is Sweet
az9034  (12 years ago)
i want ur one msg in a day.......how is ur lyf going?
Raj66570  (12 years ago)

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