LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)aCtuaLy i bEen thInKin goIn fOr thT
i dUn loSe HeR BcuZ I MakE THe ryT aT THe ryT TYm
I HUrt Her sO MAnY TYmS BUt stIL SHe NeVa dOnE AnYTHIn tO huRt mE
We olWAYS tInK THt If shE WAs wId sOMoNe,shE GOnnA CAre lESs FoR Us buT THt iS REAly onlY OuR EViL INnEr sOUNd kIp teLiNg thT
wHen oUr inNeR EViL SIdE ConTRoL Us,we WiL dId tINgs oUt oF OuR ImAgINaTiOn lYk saYIn harSh WOrDS TOwaTd wHOM We caRE
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)mY BesTfrNds wIl gET marRiEd nExT YeaR
aM thE MaiD Of hoNouR
aM sO HaPy for hEr
oUr frNDSHiP WiL Go ANOdEr lEVeL By deN
shE Is a VErY unDERStaNINg gURl sINcE THe 1ST DaY I NoE HeR
I SELdom ceE HeR GeT MaD AT mE Nd NevA LefT Me aLOnE
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)acTUAly noOne reaLy taKe hEr awAy froM Us,iTz juZz oUr SmAll,tINY CRosSEd MInD Kept chaNtIn THt she waS BeiN STolEn
sHe iS StiL dEre,olWAy deRe eVeryTYm YoU TUrN ArouNd
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)yOu cUrEnTLy FACiN THt pRoblem?
wOoW,YoU MUzT CHanGe oR ELsE YoU MyT LOsE Her as FRnds
somTYms poSseSIvE PPL lYK Us shulD REAlY sPare thOts FOr thT PersoN WHom we REALy carE
We sHULd sToP Nd rESt a wHILe,MaYbe asKed oUrseLVeS,DID ALl thT NecESsAry?
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)afTa thT INciDEnT,I CHanGe nD HAbE mosT Of Ma frNds aS WEl aS HeR(cURrENtLy STiL Ma CloSe oNe)bac
i aM nOt thT POssEsiVe toWARd frnDs AgEN
I eVA REAd aN artIcle aBt hoW DEy desCrIBe frNdsHip
iT saY FRndsHIP iS MOrE LyK WiTHdraW Nd dePOsiT
wHeN YoU WiTDRAW SoMthIn fRoM OppOsITe sIdE,YoU MUsT NoW HOW To dePOsiT BaCk tO PrevEnT OvEruSiNg
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)frNdS DuN CoMe by CHAnCes,wE MeeT BCUz oF A wOrD FAtE
frNDS dUn comE EASy WHeN SoMONe reaLy aPprECiatE yOu,accEPt YoU Nd tOLeratE AlL YOr bAd hABIT Nd bAd teMPeR,We sHOuLd noT GoT ADvANtagE WiD thT,WhEn yOU STArT To maKe uSe oF iT,YoU TEnD To ovERUsE It nD NevA BOtHer tO DEpoSiT
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)Am ClEAr thT I reaLy luB HeR As besTfrNd BuT Not oF WHt you thInKIn bCuZ I HAbE BoYFRnd thT TYM
bUt i fOrbId hEr To haBe onE
MA MoTHer enCouRAgE Me tO Go FiNd hEr bE4 shE lEFt buT BcoZ Of mY HIgH PriDe,i refUseD To Go
sHe waS StIL THe one wHo caMe tO ApProACh mE Nd saY soRy deSpiTe ShE DiDNt dO ANyTIn wRon
I StiL rMb how We crIeD THt nyT,HoW i pRoMIsEd mAselF FoR NOT Doin ageN
LiLcrAzYdeViL (12 years ago)i hAtE HeR THt tyM,REAly dId
i FEEL huRt nD BeIn chEATed
i BcUm loNeR Nd nOt sOcIaLise
tIll HeR MoTHeR CAme nD TOLd Me thT DEy WiLL MOvE To oTHER ToWn,i fEel sO SAd bCUz i wIl not cEe hEr sO OFTeN AGeN.