Anggun18 (11 years ago)thank u raj... i'mso happy to heard that...
thank u to be my ftiend..
Anggun18 (11 years ago)wa'alaikumsalam raj...
nice to know u. my friend..
Anggun18 (11 years ago)good morning too
have a lovely weekend
Anggun18 (11 years ago)yup raj..
i'm a muslim...
Anggun18 (11 years ago)thanks raj... I cm frm indonesia... but now um living at nongkong..
Anggun18 (11 years ago)my name is anggun.. but my nick name is ica... u can calk me as u wish..
Anggun18 (11 years ago)thats great...
what is ur name...?
Anggun18 (11 years ago)me fine also.. n how about u...?
Anggun18 (11 years ago)hi friend.. how r u..?