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Bored, Chilly or Horny ???

shawie15 Guestbook

nir794  (9 years ago)

Being a good person
does not depend on your
religion or status in life,
your race or skin colour,
political views or culture.
It depends on how good
you treat others

Good Day

nir794  (9 years ago)



“I love the silent hour of night,
For blissful dreams may then arise,
Revealing to my charmed sight
What may not bless my waking eyes.”

Whoever u may be,
Wherever life leads u,
U r always
a Mom’s child,
a Dad’s dream,
a Family’s future,
a Friend’s heart &
Someone’s life!
Be d best of it..




nir794  (9 years ago)
im also so happy to see u again

now me going ..cya
nir794  (9 years ago)



it removes the tension of your file,
let there be even a huge pile,
you can complet them with a smile.
smile beautifies yeur face,
with it; you win a race,
let it be an unsolved case,
you can solve it with a smile on face


A Smile is a sign of Love,
A Smile is a sign of Care,
A Smile is a sign of Cheer,
A Smile is a sign of Trust,
A Smile shows how you can,
Be happy even in hard crust…
A Smile is a sign of Joy,
A Smile is a sign of Hope,
A Smile teaches you how you can,
Remove the clouds of Mope…

"Isn't it nice to think
that tomorrow is a new day
with no mistakes in it yet? "




maxpayne66  (9 years ago)
maxpayne66  (9 years ago)

SinnerRella  (9 years ago)
Che! Magtext ka indi dito!
alien2012  (9 years ago)
I m not maruf. But he is my best os friend.
Well, everyone can know your name.
SinnerRella  (9 years ago)
Nagtatampo na ako sau. Ndi mo na ako tinitext or tinatawagan
alien2012  (9 years ago)
Hi shie. How are you ?

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